Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Closing out 2015... the Gift of You

Some years are more prolific than others... As I look back to what was done on the blog this year, I cringe.  Where the heck was I?

Oh yeah, my loving self pipes up, your words went wider than this platform alone.  I am honored that Gaia was willing to share my writing as well as Shaman's Market this year.  I finished a book (still being edited) and traveled nearly every month.

I can ease up on myself a bit, yet I wish the quantified word count next to 2015 was heftier.

Alas, we have one last pearl for you this year.  I am blessed to have my family in town now and still find myself needing to practice my compassionate heart space as I feel myself prickly and on edge around those who love me most.  Learning to be my authentic self everywhere!  They are my greatest teacher of what I can heal.  Thank you Mama and Sister for showing me another version of my truth.


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for that. This is exactly what I needed tonight. I certainly play this role in my family unit. :) xoxo Michelle
