Soul mates come in all shapes and sizes-- some are brief encounters while others become life long partnerships. A relationship with a soul mate can be the most challenging of your life. By their very nature, soul mates know us from the time before time. They know what we're capable of, know what we came here to do, and know when we're getting off track. Having a person who truly knows you better than you know yourself can be a gift... but can also push every button, trigger every dang trigger you've ever had! Soul mates give us hints of our soul mission and can be a great blessing when we're feeling a little unclear of ourselves.
True love soul mates can last a life... but with all the triggering... it may also burn itself out. Chances are, the friendship and connection will remain long after the marriage/relationship cannot. They will drive you to be your best and point put every flaw. It can be challenging and grueling but those show last, ultimately rewarding and worth every moment.
Accountability soul mates are those brief encounters who keep reappearing throughout our lives. It feels like a deep connection, a fondness and sometimes even a longing. These are easily confused as being romantic -- simply because it feels so powerful. Romance usually is fairly disastrous in these situations because it disrupts the true nature of the appearance. Accountability soul mates show up when you're feeling stuck, confused or simply have lost your path all together. They weave in and out of our lives at exactly the right time to remind us, at our very core, who we are. If we can see the gift, pick ourselves up and get back on track-- we have learned the lesson and can easily give gratitude and carry on. If we continue pining after something more however, we may be exhausted after the journey.
We all have lived many lives and shared many meaningful encounters along the way. If you feel this soul connection-- ask how this person can best serve you at this moment? This answer can bring much clarity and peace of mind.
We all have lived many lives and shared many meaningful encounters along the way. If you feel this soul connection-- ask how this person can best serve you at this moment? This answer can bring much clarity and peace of mind.