Friday, May 4, 2012

Discovering the Akashic Records Akashic Record is your highest source of truth!  From the Records we can restore your optimum vibration and deliver limitless empowerment.  It is our birthright and greatest resource on this soul's journey.  

The Akashic Records are the Storehouse for the Soul.  Past, present and future deeds, thoughts and feelings are all kept in this library.  By accessing your own records, you can gain insight and clarity on any aspect of your life, for example:

~ Life Purpose -- review your Soul Contract, what are the things you agreed to do while here and tips on how to go about accomplishing commitments.  Find your true passion and explore ways to live it!

~ Past Life issues affecting your current life situation, such as the repeating of patterns blocking your ability to fulfill your life's purpose.

~ Resolution with a Loved One or a pet who has passed.  Finally, say the things you wish you could have before he or she moved on.

~ Meeting Your Angels, Guides and Ancestors who have chosen to teach and protect you throughout this lifetime.

pecific Assignments
for you to complete toward taking your next steps along your Soul's journey.

Unlike a psychic reading, the Akashic Record takes you to a much deeper understanding and a grander view of “who” you really are and what lessons you have to learn in this lifetime.  It is a profound message just for you creating a shift in your consciousness. Think of it as a Spiritual jolt -- a Re-awakening -- from your own Soul and Angels reminding you what you need to be doing while on this physical plane in this current body. 

The session is an energetic healing session.  In the course of your appointment, energy is cleared away bringing you greater vitality, joy and passion.  With this renewal, you will be able to better act upon the Divine guidance shared during your reading. 

Having an energetic healing session IS NOT a passive decision. A consultation is a healing process beginning as soon as the Records are opened and continuing as long as you follow the wisdom shared within. Many times, people leave the session recognizing their worldview has shifted. This is an amazingly beautiful dialogue with your own Spirit Guides.

Accessing your Soul’s Records is your birthright -- this is not only for those Spiritually-inclined. It is a gift to you intended to be called upon when you need guidance and clarity. This gift has been shared and given to us by the Spirit World to help us in our challenges while living in this physical world.

Each reading is a privilege from the Divine to you
For me to be allowed to do this work, I am both humbled and blessed. Thank you, and I’ll see you in the Records!

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