I think back to the birth of my daughter. We spent 9 months planning, preparing, training for her birth. Yet after she was here, we felt a little unprepared at what to do next. For 9 months we focused on the 12 hours it took to bring her into this world rather than how to guide her in it for a lifetime.
Death is the same for me. When we hear terms like "Start the Conversation" (a slogan for a funeral home here in Denver) most people think of discussing with loved ones what the arrangements should be made-- how and where they want to be buried. We spend our energy focused on the body, on the care of the physical vessel, and blessed little time talking about what actually will occur during and after life ends.
I am passionate and at times emblazoned by talking about death in a way that supports the soul and brings comfort to the living. After life has nothing to do with a coffin and everything to do with our the energy we bring into the great beyond! Beliefs aside, it is deep quandary of faith and hope that in modern times we have difficulty reconciling.
Talking about death shouldn't upset us, it should bring us comfort and curiosity even. It can open doorways to conversations about our beliefs, fears, our faith even. This allows us to deepen our relationships with those we love and strengthens our faith regardless of religion.
We have a tweaked perception of death in our society which is further preyed upon by a medical establishment and pharmaceutical industry that creates fear as a means of profit. It breaks my heart that we believe talking about death is somehow insensitive, rude or scary when in fact it should be just the opposite.
Death is not only natural, but blissful, peaceful, a celebration of this shift from our physical form.
George Harrison on his passing, literally lit up the room. What a glorious way to continue to inspire the best in us, George!
I hope we can soon embrace this as the norm and not the extra-ordinary.